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Start with PROFIT

The Start with Profit course will show you the metrics that matter and how to diagnose your company's financial health – and its future.


Profit First

Looking to use Profit First in your company? Need a little help knowing where to start? This workshop will walk you through step-by-step on how to implement and use this cash management tool.


Easy Business Set Up

Are you ready to start a business?
Not sure what type of company to set up?
Confused by LLC, INC, LLP?
Not sure if you should be a S-Corp or Partnership?

This course will review the different options so you can make the best choice!



Setup Secrets:
Secrets of Starting Your Business

Owning your own company will give you the flexibility and freedom you are looking for, but if you don't set up your company the right way it will cost you to fix it down the road. Learn how to do it right the first time so you and your family are protected. 



Basic Business Accounting

You started your company to have freedom. Freedom of time and money.
We get it, accounting and money make you want to jump off a cliff.
This course breaks down the basics of business accounting so you can set up your books and know what they are telling you.